Saturday, September 26, 2009

Making Choices

I like to read and I read a lot - both fiction and non-fiction. On a recent 'milestone' birthday, I had the somewhat disquieting thought that no matter how much and how quickly I read, I would never have the time to read everything on my list. I began to ponder the idea that if my time is finite and the number of books almost non-finite, how might I best sort through the many choices of what to read.
I have asked friends, librarians, educators, and life guides, but there seems to be no methodology, no stratagem, no plan by which I could optimize both time and choice. For everyone I asked, there seemed to be a different approach - best seller lists, subject matter specificity for hobbyists, favorite authors and so forth. My tastes are so wide and varied that none of these methods would help.
My current sources are many. Frequently, one book leads to another - either through bibliographies, author's style, or relevant themes. Serendipity plays a large role when passing through the stacks at my local library or when on-line in the library's virtual card catalog. Books related to the places I travel frequently adorn my bedside table, as do guides and references for the natural world around me. Book reviews are a favorite source for ideas and choices, but my manila folder of printouts and clippings is bulging at the seams.
Ultimately, a path emerges, though to ascribe a route or destination would be difficult. It's not a bad dilemma, but I do continue to value my limited time and try to make the most of the endless resources around me. I guess I'm lucky to have so many options.

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