Thursday, September 17, 2009

Being Busy - Part I

Pretty much everyone I talk to these days tells me that they're busy - too busy and they're frazzled or burnt out, busy enough and they're fully engaged, not busy enough and they're just bored. After recently returning from a vacation where I was just busy enough, I began to wonder why so many of us are so busy, feel so busy, act so busy. In no particular order, here are some of the reasons why I think we might be feeling this way:

  • Being busy is 'good' - there is a perception that being busy equates to being fulfilled, active, whole, and purposeful and if I'm busier than you, then I must be (more) fulfilled

  • Drive times – greater distances, longer commutes, distance from family, friends, services, changes in neighborhoods and shopping patterns

  • We multi-task constantly - how often do we just sit and watch TV, or read, or chat with friends - today's model seems to demonstrate that we do more than one thing at a time, making us busier than if we were just doing one thing - see my 'Sheep Miles' posting

  • Technology has outstripped our genetic/evolutionary abilities to manage/maintain/adapt to change/new inputs/data ... texting, e-mails, voicemails, cell phones, blackberries, call waiting – multiple communications and see-saw electronic methodologies vs. completing thoughts and ideas with real time conversation

  • Still only 24 hours in a day - time hasn't increased with the options available

  • We are/stay busy to fill a void - are we afraid of seeing what there is - what life is like, if we slow down?

  • We fill more hours with more activties - leaf blowing vs. leaf raking ... where does the saved time go?

  • Work boundaries are extended – people work longer hours, take laptops and cell phones on vacation – try to outdo one another or keep up with the worker in the next cubicle

Enough for now - take a deep breath, unwind, wait for Part II.

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