Thursday, October 28, 2010


My wife and I recently returned from our annual trip to downeast Maine. Every trip is magical, fulfilling, adventurous, and energizing. The 're's are also in evidence - restoring, rejuvenating, refreshing, revitalizing, replenishing, and renewing. I've looked these words up in the dictionary and, as always, find new subtleties and meanings for words I thought I knew.  At least, I know how I feel when I'm there.

As I thought about how I feel there, the word 'sanctuary' came to mind. We've come to think of this area as our sanctuary and it never fails to deliver. I've asked a number of individuals and couples if they too have a sanctuary and have been disappointed to learn that most people don't. I'm not sure why. I can't imagine not having a safe harbor, a special place, nor haven.

A final note on the word sanctuary. Again, I find that the definition in my head doesn't quite match all the definitions in the dictionary. That's OK. What's important is how we feel there and what it means to know what awaits us when we arrive. It helps keep us grounded knowing it's there and only time and distance are in the way.